Pan Disability and Inclusive

What does it all mean?

Here at FCDA, we offer the enjoyment and passion of football to inspire and engage with people of all abilities. We aim to change the lives of players, where we help them keep active, learn new skills and improve their wellbeing.

Our Inclusive teams are made up of youth and adults with complex needs, mental health illness and learning disabilities.

Playing once a month in the Sussex Disability League, as well as, participating in National and International Tournaments and Friendlies, there really is a varying amount of football on offer for them.

Each week our FA/UEFA qualified coaches deliver a wide range of fitness and skill sessions, challenging the stigma the players set for themselves.

If you like the sound of this and fit in the Pan Disability category then either contact us and/or register today. We never turn anyone away, providing they show the commitment and desire to do their best.

"We take the Dis out of Disability, so everyone can show their ability"

Register for Inclusive